Bible Study Class Led by Phil Brendel
This class mainly consists of Senior Adults but all are very welcome. We study the Bible book-by-book & verse-by-verse. (Upper Level Bible Classroom 9:30 am)
Men's Class Led by Falls Price
Our mission is to learn how to be men of God, help others, sponsor mission programs, encourage one another, and reach out to our community for Christ. (Men's Classroom 9:30 am)
Empowered Class Led by Debbie Summerscales
Our chief desire is our relationship with the Holy Spirit, looking for insightful & Biblically based empowerment to live and walk our the promises of God in our lives. (Upper Level Classroom 9:30 am)
Ladies Class Led by Linda Johanson
The Ladies Class is a life group particularly for women in the church. We will discuss spiritual issues of special interest to women. We also intend to study the lives of various women in the Bible with a focus on pertinent applications from their lives.